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Title: Diffracted transition radiation of a beam of relativistic electrons in a thin single-crystal plate
Authors: Blazhevich, S. V.
Ligidov, A. Z.
Mazilov, A. A.
Nemtsev, S. N.
Noskov, A. V.
Keywords: physics
relativistic electron
parametric X-radiation
diffracted transition radiation
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Diffracted transition radiation of a beam of relativistic electrons in a thin single-crystal plate / S. V. Blazhevich [et al.] ; Belgorod State University // Научные ведомости БелГУ. Сер. Математика. Физика. - 2017. - №20(269), вып.48.-С. 70-78.
Abstract: In the present work, diffracted transition radiation (DTR) of the beam of relativistic electrons crossing a thin single-crystal plate has been considered. The expression for the DTR angular density has been derived for the case when the path of the electron in the target is considerably less than extinction length. For the first time the kinematic character of DTR of the beam of ultra-relativistic electrons crossing a thin single-crystal plate has been proved
Appears in Collections:№ 20 (269), вып. 48

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