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Title: English peasants and agrarian policy of the Tudors and the first Stuarts: outlines of enclosure legislation = Английские крестьяне и аграрная политика Тюдоров и первых Стюартов: основы законодательства об огораживаниях
Authors: Mitrophanov, V. P.
Aleshina, E. Y.
Keywords: history
history of Europe
Great Britain
16th century
17th century
agrarian policy
arable lands
social conflict
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Mitrophanov, V.P. English peasants and agrarian policy of the Tudors and the first Stuarts: outlines of enclosure legislation = Английские крестьяне и аграрная политика Тюдоров и первых Стюартов: основы законодательства об огораживаниях / V.P. Mitrophanov, E.Y. Aleshina ; Penza State University // Научные ведомости БелГУ. Сер. История. Политология. - 2017. - №8(257), вып.42.-С. 65-70. - Refer.: p. 69-70.
Abstract: In the article considers the legislation of the Tudors and the first Stuarts related to the existent process of ploughland enclosure in the kingdom of England in the second half of the 16th - first half of the 17th century. The article researches into the origins of a number of agrarian statutes in Parliament and provides analysis of the contents of their separate articles referring to the peasants and the new gentry
Appears in Collections:№ 8 (257), вып. 42

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