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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 4081
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Effect of rotary swaging and subsequent aging on the structure and mechanical properties of a Cu-0.5% Cr-0.08% Zr alloyMartynenko, N. S.; Bochvar, N. R.; Rybalchenko, O. V.; Morozov, M. M.; Leonova, N. P.; Yusupov, V. S.; Bodyakova, A. I.
2022Ionization-recombination process as a means of indicating the degree of focusing of a beam of charged particles or ionizing radiationBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2021Female image in glossy magazines for men in Russia and abroad: education and classBeloedova, A. V.; Novinkina, E. A.; Richter, M. S.
2022Effect of chromium content on precipitation in Cu-Cr-Zr alloysBodyakova, A.; Mishnev, R.; Belyakov, A.; Kaibyshev, R.
2021The impact of interference on the functioning of french in Ivory CoastBaghana, J.; Glebova, Y. A.; Voloshina, T. G.; Blazhevich, Y. S.; Birova, J.
2022Analyzing the effect of interference on the utilization of french in ivory coast: social and linguistic aspectsBaghana, J.; Glebova, Y. A.; Voloshina, T. G.; Blazhevich, Y. S.; Birova, J.
2024Pumpkin-based dessert for vegansMyachikova, N. I.; Sotnikova, A. S.; Petrova, Yu. N.
2023The effect of the dosage of table salt on the change of rheological properties of wheat doughBoltenko, Y. A.; Myachikova, N. I.; Binkovskaya, O. V.; Churkina, Y. V.; Korotkikh, I. Y.
2023Tuning the grain and domain sizes to achieve superior room-temperature tensile ductility in a B2-ordered refractory Al₁₅Nb₄₀Ti₄₀V₅ medium-entropy alloyYurchenko, N.; Panina, E.; Tojibaev, A.; Novikov, V.; Salishchev, G.; Zherebtsov, S.; Stepanov, N.
2023Comparative analysis of morphology 1D and 2D particles effect in starting powders on microstructure and thermoelectric properties of grained Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 compoundYaprintsev, M.; Vasilyev, A.; Ivanov, O.; Popkov, D.; Kudryavtsev, E.
2022Criteria for the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of the personality of mixed martial arts athletesEmelyanenko, F. V.; Kondakov, V. L.; Kormakova, V. N.; Kopeikina, E. N.
2022Evaluation of the activities of a wrestling coachSobyanin, F. I.; Makashev, Sh. A.; Kondratenko, P. P.
2022Efficiency of using biofeedback methods in the training process of qualified swimmersTretyakov, A. A.; Petrenko, O. V.; Spirin, M. P.; Agoshkov, V. V.
2022Indicators of motor activity and physical fitness of university teachersTretyakov, A. A.; Akulova, L. N.; Nikulina, T. V.; Klimova, V. K.
2022Sports training of middle distance runners taking into account the peculiarities of the energy supply of their muscle activityKlimenko, S. S.; Kadutskaya, L. A.; Domracheva, E. Yu.; Nesterenko, G. L.
2022Ergometric criteria for maximum anaerobic power of high qualified football playersSamborskiy, A. G.; Sokorev, V. V.; Rutskoy, I. A.; Zhdanov, V. N.
2022Peculiarities of injuries in syrian athletes aged 15-17Alradvan Mai; Sobyanin, F. I.; Kolesnikov, N. V.; Chukanova, E. K.
2022Effect of Nitrogen Doping on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Fe₄₀Mn₄₀Cr₁₀Co₁₀ High-Entropy AlloySemenyuk, A.; Povolyaeva, E.; Sanin, V.; Zherebtsov, S.; Stepanov, N.
20229-12% Cr Heat-Resistant Martensitic Steels with Increased Boron and Decreased Nitrogen ContentsDudova, N.
2024Comprehensive quantitative analysis of country publication activity according to Scimago Journal and Country Rank portal dataMoskovkin, V. M.; Reznichenko, O. S.; Serkina, O. V.
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 4081