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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Conformation of land management in areas of open and closed mining ore in the region of Kursk Magnetic AnomalyDrozdova, E. A.; Kornilov, A. G.; Oleynikova, V. A.
2024Ecological assessment of bottom sediments for conditions of an agro-industrial region with high anthropogenic loadLisetskii, F.; Kitov, M.; Spesivtseva, A.; Marinina, O.
2018Effect of geological and geophysical characteristics of complex-structure ferruginous quartzite ore bodies on blasting and processing performanceTyupin, V. N.; Anisimov, V. N.
2013Environtal problems of mineral resources development in the regions of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA)Petin, A. N.; Ukolova, E. V.
2016Geochemical features of soils in the industrial area of the mining complexGadzhikerimova, A. G.; Novykh, L. L.; Kornilov, A. G.
2013Geoecological monitoring of underground waters in the zone of influence of the objects of the mining area of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (KMA) : on the example of JSC "Stoilensky GOK"Ukolov, I. M.; Petin, A. N.; Kramchaninov, N. N.; Pogoreltsev, I. A.
2014Rehabilitation of disturbed areas for the development of ecological frame mining and industrial areas of KMADrozdova, E. A.; Kornilov, A. G.; Listopad, M. V.
2019Rich iron ore in the Belgorod region of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly as potential resource for metallizationGzogyan, T. N.; Gzogyan, S. R.; Grishkina, E. V.
2016The current state of the geological environment of the Belgorod region in the conditions of intensive mineral developmentBugaeva, E. A.; Polygalova, A. Y.; Petin, A. N.
2016The dynamics of hydro-ecological indicators of rivers in the area of placement mining enterprises of region KMAKurepina, V. A.; Kolmykov, S. N.; Kornilov, A. G.