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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004A comparison of algorithms for the normalization and quantization of polynomial hamiltoniansUwano, Y.; Gusev, A. A.; Chekanov, N. A.; Rostovtsev, V. A.; Vinitsky, S. I.
2008Darcy s law for a compressible thermofluidMeirmanov, A. M.
2008Homogenized models for a short-time filtration in elastic porous media = Гомогенизированные модели для ускоренной фильтрации в упругих пористых средахMeirmanov, A. M.
2008Homogenized models for filtration and for acoustic ware propagation in thermo-elastic porous media = Гомогенизированные модели для фильтрации и акустического распространения в термо-упругих пористых средахMeirmanov, A. M.
2011Linear groups of degree four containing the subgroup SL₂(k) ⊗ SL₂(k)Bashkirov, E. L.
2010On weakly special radical of semigroupsSokolsky, A. G.
2020Riemann-Hilbert problems for first-order elliptic system with constant leading coefficient on the planeSoldatov, A. P.; Chernova, O. V.
2008Riemann–Hilbert problems for the system of string vibration equations in a domain with a characteristic part of boundaryShishmareva, Yu. N.
2013Theorem about the number and structure of the singular points n-dimensional dynamical system of population dynamics Lotka-Volterra in context of informational analysis and modelingMoskovkin, V. M.; Merkulov, S. I.; Suleiman, B. N. E.; Lesovik, R. V.