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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023A deep learning method based on language models for processing natural language Russian commands in human robot interactionSboev, A. G.; Gryaznov, A. V.; Rybka, R. B.; Skorokhodov, M. S.; Moloshnikov, I. A.
2022Application of digital technologies to increase the economic efficiency of agribusiness in RussiaMochalova, Y. V.; Ermakova, A. N.; Levushkina, S. V.; Vavakina, O. B.; Savvateev, E. V.
2019Artificial intelligence versus public administration: limitations of applicationMorkhat, P. M.; Ponkin, I. V.; Markhgeym, M. V.; Botnev, V. K.; Turganbayev, A. O.
2016Consciousness as a necessary element of evolution of the cosmosLaufer, K. M.
2022Global digitalization and linguistic aesthetics: textology and linguistic identitySedykh, A. P.; Akimova, E. N.; Skvortsov, K. V.; Shcherbakov, A. V.; Zhukova, A. G.
2019Industrial Internet of things: concept and legal consciousness, meaning for industry 4.0Redkina, A. I.; Ponkin, I. V.; Markhgeym, M. V.; Novikova, A. E.; Tonkov, E. E.
2020International trends in the justice digitalization developmentKovtun, Y. A.; Vinokurov, E. A.; Kapustina, I. Y.; Polenov, R. V.; Ozerov, K. I.
2019Introduction of the latest digital technologies in the banking sector: foreign experience and Russian practiceVaganova, O. V.; Bykanova, N. I.; Mityushina, I. L.; Al-Saadi Mohanad; Raheem Salim
2023Machine Learning Methods Based on Geophysical Monitoring Data in Low Time Delay Mode for Drilling OptimizationOsipov, A.; Pleshakova, E.; Bykov, A.; Kuzichkin, O.; Surzhik, D.