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Showing results 1 to 20 of 27  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Agro-ecological assessment of the condition of arable soils of the CCRSurinov, A. V.
2023Agroecological assessment of heavy metals and arsenic content in ordinary chernozem in the Central Chernozem region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2017Agrogenic evolution of automorphic chernozems in the forest-steppe zone (Belgorod oblast)Chendev, Y. G.; Khokhlova, O. S.; Alexandrovskiy, A. L.
2023Assessment of the content of arsenic and mercury in the agroecosystems of the Central Chernozem Region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2024Biomass and functional diversity of microbial communities in Catenas of reserved and arable gray soils and chernozemsDushchanova, K. S.; Ukrainskiy, P. A.; Kashirskaya, N. N.; Khomutova, T. E.; Borisov, A. V.
2020Change of forest-steppe chernozems under the influence of shelterbelts in the south of the central Russian uplandChendev, Yu. G.; Gennadiev, A. N.; Lukin, S. V.; Sauer, T. J.; Belevantsev, V. G.
2019Changes in the soil cover under the impact of shortterm climate fluctuationsSmirnova, L. G.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Kukharuk, N. S.; Naroznyaya, A. G.; Kukharuk, S. A.; Smirnov, G. V.
2021Contrasting variants of soil development at archaeological sites on floodplains in the forest-steppe of the Central Russian UplandChendev, Yu. G.; Fedyunin, I. V.; Inshakov, A. A.; Dudin, D. I.; Belevantsev, V. G.
2015Evolution of chernozems in the southern forest-steppe of the Central Russian upland under long-term cultivation examined in the agro-chronosequencesKhokhlova, O.S.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Myakshina, T. N.; Alexandrovskiy, A. L.
2017Evolution of forest pedogenesis in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland in the Late HoloceneChendev, Yu. G.; Aleksandrovskii, A. L.; Khokhlova, O. S.; Dergacheva, M. I.; Petin, A. N.
2020Influence of forest shelterbelts on local pedodiversity (Belgorod Oblast)Smirnova, M. A.; Gennadiev, A. N.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Kovach, R. G.
2024Monitoring of chrome and nickel contents in agroecosystems of the Central Chernozem region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2023Monitoring of the cadmium content in agroecosystems in the Central Black Earth Region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2023Monitoring of the lead content in agroecosystems of the central black earth region of RussiaLukin, S. V.
2020Preserved sections of steppes as the basis for the future ecological framework of Belgorod oblastTishkov, A. A.; Belonovskaya, E. A.; Zolotukhin, N .I.; Titova, S. V.; Chendev, Yu. G.
2018Priorities of agroecological monitoring of the composition of soil trace elements taking into account the peculiarities of its formation over timeZelenskaya, E.; Pichura, V.; Domaratsky, Y.
2015Regional specificity of the climatic evolution of soils in the southern part of Eastern Europe in the second half of the HoloceneChendev, Yu. G.; Lupo, E. R.; Lebedeva, M. G.; Borbukova, D. A.
1999Soil catenas in archeological landscapesLisetskii, F. N.
2010Soil development on the Crimean peninsula in the late holoceneLisetskii, F. N.; Ergina, E. I.
2012Soil reproduction in steppe ecosystems of different agesLisetskii, F. N.