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Showing results 1 to 20 of 73  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Alterity in American literature: the faces of the Other in Melville’s Moby-Dick and Billy BuddPernelle Beatrix
2019Attributive portrait of human’s internal qualities in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultureKlimova, Y. A.; Funikova, S. V.; Svoykina, L. F.; Subbotina, I. M.
2022Beliefs about multilingualism with respect to translanguaging: a survey among pre-service efl teachers in IndonesiaPutrawan, G. E.; Sinaga, T.; Mahpul; Poh, S. K.; Dekhnich, O. V.
2017Bilingualism and biculturalism and teaching of modern languages: point of view of a teacher of french from RussiaSedykh, A. P.; Trescheva, N. V.; Koteneva, I. A.; Buzinova, L. M.; Ermakova, L. R.
2017"Cambia Sobre el Mar Tu Fulgor": Latin American Calligrams and Semiotic TranscodingQuero, A.
2014Cluster based on mobile devicesZabenkov, A. A.; Bukreev, P. E.; Gimazitdinov, E. I.; Ryabykh, M. S.; Morel Morel, D. A.
2018Cognitive conceptualization and categorization of time definition in english, french and russian linguisticsMoiseeva, S. A.; Uhnaleva, E. A.; Boichuk, I. V.; Bubyreva, Zh. A.; Lukyanova, E. V.
2014Comparing the same stimulus associative fields fixed in different historical periods : technique application case studyMorel Morel, D. A.
2019Concept as a mysterious demiurge of cognitive linguopoeticsAlefirenko, N. F.
2015Conceptual features of mental structure of assessmentProkhorova, O. N.; Chekulai, I. V.; Baghana, J.; Kuprieva, I. A.; Peresypkin, A. P.
2016Conceptual metaphor in George Orwell`s political dystopia "Animal Farm"Kozlova, L. Y.
2016Conceptual metaphors of anger in Chinese and English: a contrastive analysisPrystupa, V.
2017Contrastive analysis of the English and Russian language picture of the world = Сопоставление языковой картины мира англичан и русскихKozlova, L. Ya.
2015Cultural and national features of the language representation of the concept “money” in the Russian and French advertisement print textsSvoijkina, L. F.; Lyutova, O. V.; Kuleshova, R. V.; Kravchenko, O. N.
2015Discourse as the basis of pragmatic analysisSoboleva, T. E.; Lomonosova, Y. E.; Kopytina, N. N.; Kuzmina, O. V.
2015Discourse of education: online and blended learningPenkov, B. V.
2015Educational discourse: information technology in high schoolPenkov, B. V.
2015Emotional complex sentences peculiarites in British and American scriptsBaghana, J.; Bondarenko, E. V.; Voloshina, T. G.; Markelova, O. V.; Genkin, Y. Y.
2023Ethno-cultural Aura of Language Images in the Light of Cognitive LinguopoeticsAbdelhameed, S.; Alefirenko, N. F.; Shakhputova, Z. Kh.
2019Ethno-cultural code as a value-semantic dominant of the supply chain management in media industryAlefirenko, N. F.; Dekhnich, O. V.; Cheremokhina, D. A.; Yakimova, E. M.