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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006A way to increase the spectral-angular density of diffracted transition radiation of the relativistic electron in single crystalBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2003An investigation of the parametric X-ray along the velocity of emitting particleKubankin, A.; Nasonov, N.; Sergienko, V.; Vnukov, I.
2005Angular distribution of radiation by relativistic electrons in a thin crystalArtru, X.; Fomin, S. P.; Shulga, N. F.
2010Appropriateness of kinematical approach in description of parametric X-radiation of relativistic electron in a single crystalBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2011Asymmetric wave reflection in kinematic and dynamic approaches to description of parametric X-radiation of a relativistic electron in the crystalBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2012Coherent X-radiation along the velocity of a relativistic electron in a bounded periodic multilayer mediumKolosova, I.; Blazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2008Coherent X-radiation of relativistic electrons in a single crystal under asymmetric reflection conditionsBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2014Coherent X-ray radiation of a relativistic electron in a bilayer amorphous layer – single crystal targetBlazhevich, S. V.; Zagorodnyuk, R. A.; Noskov, A. V.
2010Contributions of transition and parametric X-ray radiation along the relativistic electron velocity in the Laue geometryBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2003Deformation of relativistic electron radiation spectra under conditions of multiple production of photonsBeknazarov, M.; Grishin, V.; Blazhevich, S. V.
2020Determining the divergence of an ultra-relativistic electron beam from the diffracted transition radiation in a single-crystal targetBlazhevich, S. V.; Bronnikova, M. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2017Diffracted transition radiation of a beam of relativistic electrons in a thin single-crystal plateBlazhevich, S. V.; Ligidov, A. Z.; Mazilov, A. A.; Nemtsev, S. N.; Noskov, A. V.
2015Dynamic theory coherent X-ray radiation by beam of relativistic electrons in single-crystalBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2013Dynamic theory of coherent X-radiation of relativistic electron within a periodic layered medium in Bragg scattering geometryBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2015Dynamic theory X-ray radiation by relativistic electron in composite targetBlazhevich, S. V.; Nemtsev, S. N.; Noskov, A. V.; Zagorodnyuk, R. A.
2001Dynamical diffraction effects in the transition radiation of a relativistic electron crossing a thin crystalImanishi, N.; Nasonov, N.; Yajima, K.
2000Dynamical-diffraction effects in parametric radiationVoronov, V. R.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Nasonov, N. N.; Nasonova, V. A.
2008Effect of anomalous photoabsorption in parametric X-ray radiation under asymmetric reflection conditionsBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2006Effect of mutual orientation of the lattice of a single-crystal radiator and its outer surface on X-ray transition radiation characteristicsBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2008Enhancement of spectral-angular density of parametric X-rays in Laue geometry due to change in the angle between a target surface and reflecting atomic planesBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.