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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020A family of singular differential equationsGlushak, A. V.
2009Correctness of Cauchy-Type Problems for Abstract Differential Equations with Fractional Derivatives = Корректная разрешимость проблем для абстрактных дифференциальных уравнений с мелкими дробными производнымиGlushak, A. V.
2011Direct and inverse problems for an abstract differential equation containing hadamard fractional derivativesGlushak, A. V.; Manaenkova, T. A.
2023Dirichlet problem on the half-line for an abstract Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation containing powers of an unbounded operatorGlushak, A. V.
2023First asymptotics of solutions of degenerate second-order differential equationsArkhipov, V. P.; Glushak, A. V.
2008Inverse problem for Euler-Poisson-Darboux abstract differential equation = Обратная задача для абстрактного дифференциального уравнения Эйлера–Пуассона–ДарбуGlushak, A. V.; Popova, V. A.
2010Inverse problems for evolution equations with fractional integrals at boundary-value conditions=Обратные задачи для эволюционных уравнений с дробными интегралами в краевых условияхGlushak, A. V.
2006Numerical solution of the linear inverse problem for the Euler-Darboux equationGlushak, A. V.; Karakeev, T. T.
2010On an Inverse Problem for an Abstract Differential Equation of Fractional Order=Об одной обратной задаче для абстрактного дифференциального уравнения дробного порядкаGlushak, A. V.
2010On perturbations of abstract fractional differential equations by nonlinear operatorsAvad, H. K.; Glushak, A. V.
2010On perturbations of abstract fractiоnal differential equations by nonlinear operators=О возмущениях абстрактных дробных дифференциальных уравнений нелинейных операторовAvad, Kh. K.; Glushak, A. V.
2007On the properties of a cauchy-type problem for an abstract differential equation with fractional derivatives = О задаче типа Коши для абстрактного дифференциального уравнения с дробной производнойGlushak, A. V.
2006On the relationship between the integrated cosine function and the operator Bessel functionGlushak, A. V.
2023On the solvability of boundary value problems for an abstract singular equations on a finite intervalGlushak, A. V.
2024On the solvability of initial and boundary value problems for abstract functional-differential Euler-Poisson-Darboux equationsGlushak, A. V.
2023On the solvability of initial problems for abstract singular equations containing fractional derivativesGlushak, A. V.
2023On the unique solvability of boundary value problems for an abstract Euler-Poisson-Darboux equations on a finite intervalGlushak, A. V.
2010Perturbation of an abstract differential equation containing fractional Riemann-Liouville derivativesAvad, Kh. K.; Glushak, A. V.
2010Perturbation of an Abstract Differential Equation Containing Fractional Riemann-Liouville Derivatives=О возмущении абстрактного дифференциального уравнения, содержащего дробные производные Римана-ЛиувилляAvad, Kh. K.; Glushak, A. V.
2011Quasi-Inversion method for an evolutionary equation of fractional orderAvad, Kh. K.; Glushak, A. V.