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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020A novel method for the extraction of the main compounds from the essential oil of clove budsBoyko, N. N.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Pisarev, D. I.; Novikov, O. O.; Sanaidak-Nikitiuk, R. V.
2019An innovative way for extraction of essential oil components from Pimpinella Anisum L. fruitsBoyko, N. N.; Pisarev, D. I.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Malyutina, A. Yu.; Novikov, O. O.
2018Development of the technology for obtaining a thick extract from fruits of milk thistle with the stage of ultrasonic influenceZhilyakova, E. T.; Novikov, O. O.; Tsvetkova, Z. E.; Boyko, N. N.; Pisarev, D. I.
2011Flavonoid Composition of Juniperus oblonga BiebPisarev, D. I.; Novikov, O. O.; Novikova, M. Yu.; Zhilyakova, E. T.
2023In Vitro Study of Cytostatic Activity of Baicalin, Baicalein, and Chlorophyllipt on HeLa-v Cell LineBoyko, N. N.; Novikov, O. O.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Pisarev, D. I.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Zubareva, E. V.; Lysenko, A. S.; Lapshina, E. G.
2015Optimization of methods of quality control drug steroid structure for example glucocorticosteroidPisarev, D. I.; Novikov, O. O.; Kornienko, I. V.
2015Polyphenolic Compounds Composition Study in Ocimum basilicum L. Herb and the Development of Their Quantification AssessmentTokhtar, V. K.; Pisarev, D. I.; Novikov, O. O.; Zhilyakova, E. T.
2018Simplified mathematical modeling of the distribution process of licuroside and glycyram between the extractant and Glycyrrhizae radicesBoyko, N. N.; Makarevich, N. A.; Pisarev, D. I.; Zhilyakova, E. T.
2020Study and modeling of extraction properties of fluoroorganic solvents in regard to low-polar biologically active substances from plant raw materialsBoyko, N. N.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Novikov, O. O.; Pisarev, D. I.; Abramovich, R. A.
2019Study of antimicrobial activity and technology optimization of Calendulae flos galenicalsBoyko, N. N.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Bondarev, A. V.; Kazakova, V. S.; Pisarev, D. I.; Nefedova, L. V.
2017Study of sedative tea phytocomplex within the framework of studies aimed at creation of a rectal dosage form with antihistaminic effectKulikovskii, V. F.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Novikov, O. O.; Pisarev, D. I.; Prokushchenko, N. V.; Ivanova, L. L.
2019Working out quality standards of model composition samples of granulated dosage form with glutathione restoredAlekseeva, K. A.; Pisarev, D. I.; Malyutina, A. Yu.; Zhilyakova, E. T.; Tsvetkova, Z. E.