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Название: Interferometric methods for suppressing additive noise
Авторы: Nikitin, V. M.
Sautkin, V. A.
Fomin, V. N.
Tserevitinov, A. B.
Ключевые слова: technique
radio engineering
Additive Noise
signal processing
optical interferometers
Дата публикации: 2014
Библиографическое описание: Interferometric methods for suppressing additive noise / V. M. Nikitin [и др.] // Physics of Wave Phenomena. - 2014. - Vol. 22, №2.- P. 111-119.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Interferometric methods for signal processing, which make it possible to obtain a better noise protection of information laser and optoelectronic systems during detection and processing of optical fields under conditions for external additive noise, are proposed based on the results of analysis of the specific features of field formation in passive and active optical interferometers. The possibility of reducing the effect of external factors on the efficiency of additive-noise suppression by supplementing an interferometer with a stimulated-Brillouin-scattering fiber mirror is investigated. The technical feasibility of the methods proposed is shown and their efficiency is experimentally confirmed
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Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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