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dc.contributor.authorKhodusov, V. D.-
dc.contributor.authorPihnastyi, M. O.-
dc.identifier.citationKhodusov, V.D. On the methods of investigating the trajectories of the motion of objects of labor in the phase space of states / V.D. Khodusov, M.O. Pihnastyi // Научный результат. Сер. Информационные технологии. - 2018. - Т.3, №1.-С. 25-35. - DOI: 10.18413/
dc.description.abstractA model of an economic-production system with a flow-based method for organizing production is considered. The space of states of the subject of labor is introduced. The state of a particular subject of labor is determined by a point in the state space. The state of the economic-production system is determined through the aggregation of the states of a large number of the subjects of labor that are in the process of productionru
dc.subjectsubjective functionru
dc.subjectvariational principleru
dc.subjectdifferential principleru
dc.subjectproduction systemru
dc.subjecttechnological operationru
dc.subjectbasic productru
dc.subjectacceptable deviationsru
dc.subjecttechnological trajectoryru
dc.subjectproduction systemru
dc.titleOn the methods of investigating the trajectories of the motion of objects of labor in the phase space of statesru
Располагается в коллекциях:Т. 3, вып. 1

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