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Title: Innovative potential as a factor of sustainable development of the region
Authors: Parshutich, O.
Filitovich, A. V.
Sergeyuk, V. S.
Keywords: economy
economy of foreign countries
innovation potential
indicators of innovative capacity
total innovative product
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Parshutich, O. Innovative potential as a factor of sustainable development of the region / O. Parshutich, A. V. Filitovich, V. S. Sergeyuk // Научный результат. Сер. Экономические исследования. - 2017. - Т.3, №2.-С. 53-59. - DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2017-3-2-53-59. - Refer.: p. 59.
Abstract: Innovations, scientific and technical developments are becoming the integral components of sustainable economic growth not only for countries, but also for individual regions, especially those with significant intellectual and industrial resources. The Republic of Belarus has a significant scientific, technical and production potential, so the rapid development of science and innovation is of strategic importance. This is the reason for choosing the innovative development of the economy. In this connection, a comprehensive analysis of the innovative state of the regions of the Republic of Belarus takes on special significance with the help of the proposed methodological tool for assessing innovation potential
Appears in Collections:Т. 3, вып. 2

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