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Title: Evaluation of genetic diversity of Vietnamese dogs based on mitochondrial DNA hypervariable-1 region
Authors: Quan Ke Thai
Van-Hieu Huynh
Anh-Dung Chung
Hoang-Dung Tran
Keywords: biology
animal physiology
control region
genetic diversity
Phu Quoc ridgeback dog
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Evaluation of genetic diversity of Vietnamese dogs based on mitochondrial DNA hypervariable-1 region / Quan Ke Thai [et al.] // Научный результат. Сер. Физиология. - 2016. - Т.2, №3.-С. 45-49. - DOI: 10.18413/2409-0298-2016-2-3-45-49.
Abstract: Haplogroup E were detected with high frequency in the population of Phu Quoc ridgeback dogs suggesting that this Vietnamese valuable dog breed originated from domestic dogs harbouring haplogroup E from Vietnam’s mainland or from East Asia where the presence of haplogroup E was reported. Evaluation of the genetic diversity of the Vietnam’s mainland dogs and haplogroup Escreening would support us in tracking out the origin of Phu Quoc ridgeback dogs
Appears in Collections:Т. 2, № 3

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