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Title: Pharmacotherapy and other aspects of senior medical students’ knowledge in community-acquired pneumonia: the final results of the KNOCAP II project
Authors: Bontsevich, R. A.
Gavrilova, A. A.
Adonina, A. V.
Vovk, Y. R.
Goncharova, N. Y.
Keywords: medicine
community-acquired pneumonia
clinical recommendations
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Pharmacotherapy and other aspects of senior medical students’ knowledge in community-acquired pneumonia: the final results of the KNOCAP II project / R.A. Bontsevich [et al.] // Research Results in Pharmacology. - 2020. - Vol.6, №1.-P. 93-99. - Doi: 10.3897/rrpharmacology.6.49977.
Abstract: To determine the level of senior medical students’ basic knowledge of CAP prevention, diagnosis and treatment with the help of a pharmacoepidemiological study
Appears in Collections:Vol. 6, № 1

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