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Title: In search of new brain biomarkers of stress
Authors: Shabanov, P. D.
Blazhenko, A. A.
Devyashin, A. S.
Khokhlov, P. P.
Lebedev, A. A.
Keywords: medicine
Danio rerio
brain ghrelin
ghrelin antagonists
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: In search of new brain biomarkers of stress / P.D. Shabanov [et al.] // Research Results in Pharmacology. - 2021. - Vol.7, №1.-P. 41-46. - Doi: 10.3897/rrpharmacology.7.63326.
Abstract: Of the study was to investigate the level of ghrelin in various brain structures during a stress response in Zebrafish to a predator, to evaluate this indicator as a potential biomarker of stress, and the effect of a benzodiazepine tranquilizer (phenazepam) on stress-induced changes
Appears in Collections:Vol. 7, № 1

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