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Title: Direct Democracy under the Conditions of One Party Ruling in Modern Vietnam
Authors: Tu Thi Thoa
Nguyen Due Cuong
Keywords: politics
domestic politics
direct democracy
political party
ruling party
ensuring democracy
form of democracy
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Tu Thi Thoa. Direct Democracy under the Conditions of One Party Ruling in Modern Vietnam / Tu Thi Thoa, Nguyen Due Cuong // Via in tempore. История. Политология. - 2022. - Т.49, №3.-С. 701-710. - Doi: 10.52575/2687-0967-2022-49-3-701-710. - Библиогр.: с.707-710.
Abstract: The article focuses on clarifying the role of direct democracy, analyzing the Communist Party of Vietnam's position system on direct democracy and recognizing the limitations in the implementation of this form of democracy in modern Vietnam
Appears in Collections:Т. 49, № 3

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