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Название: Effects of Cr microalloying on structural evolution, crystallization behavior and micromechanical properties of ZrCoAlCr bulk metallic glass
Авторы: Supriyono
Surendar, A.
Lakshmi Thangavelu
Zeinab Arzehgar
Pokrovskii, M. V.
Ключевые слова: technique
metal science
atomic structure
bulk metallic glass
Дата публикации: 2021
Библиографическое описание: Effects of Cr microalloying on structural evolution, crystallization behavior and micromechanical properties of ZrCoAlCr bulk metallic glass / Supriyono [et al.] // Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. - 2021. - Vol.74.-P. 1721-1728.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): This paper deals with the role of minor addition of Cr on the atomic rearrangement and crystallization evolution in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass. For this purpose, Cr elements with 1-4% atomic percentage were added into the alloying composition. The X-ray diffraction results indicated that the trace element led to the increase in disordered structures in the glassy alloy and the decline in population of short and medium scale orders
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Располагается в коллекциях:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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