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Title: Ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church in helping the homeless
Other Titles: Социальные аспекты служения Русской Православной Церкви. Помощь бездомным
Authors: Maslakova, A. V.
Keywords: social work
social assistance
Russian Orthodox Church
social service
homeless people
public relations
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Maslakova, A.V. Ministry of the Russian Orthodox Church in helping the homeless = Социальные аспекты служения Русской Православной Церкви. Помощь бездомным / A.V. Maslakova ; Belgorod National Research University // Научные результаты в социальной работе. - 2023. - Т.2, №1.-С. 34-45. - Refer.: p. 43-45.
Abstract: From the point of view of the Russian Orthodox Church, assistance to the homeless should be provided both in the aspect of love directed to the Lord, whose "lesser brother" is before us, and in the aspect of the perception of the homeless as a concrete person endowed with his own qualities and experiencing pressing problems
Appears in Collections:Т. 2, № 1

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