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Title: Communicative tasks for teaching university students in the foreign language reading with a purpose
Authors: Karabutova, T. V.
Keywords: pedagogy
teaching methodology
foreign language
English texts
reading purpose
concept of task
non-academic reading
real-world reading
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Karabutova, T.V. Communicative tasks for teaching university students in the foreign language reading with a purpose / N.V. Karabutova ; Belgorod State University // Moderni vymozenosti vedy - 2013 : materialy IX mezinarodni vedecko-prakticka konf., Praha, 27 ledna - 05 unora 2013 r. / sefred. Z. Cemak. - Praha, 2013. - Dil 42.-P. 71-78.
Abstract: The article deals with the text- and reader-based factors of teaching university students in reading English texts with a purpose. The author shows the discourse-pragmatic intention of English texts and properly capture organizational requirements of students’ reading purpose practice through communicative assignments at all levels of foreign language learning process
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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